The plant Khat (Catha edulis) originates from Ethiopia and is around 600 BC. taken to Arabia and Yemen. The oldest and first people to use khat were the Egyptians. The leaves of this unique plant were seen as food for the Gods. Due to its stimulating and euphoric effects, khat was seen as a plant that could allow a person to experience how a God would feel. You can chew the fresh leaves and when it has dried you can also make tea from it. The effect of chewing the leaves has been compared to drinking strong coffee all day long. These khat seeds come from the Nigerian Catha edulis variety and are of the highest quality. The Nigerian Catha edulis is known as the purest type of khat seeds. Keep in mind that over time the khat shrub will transform into a tree that can reach heights of up to 6 meters.
Khat (Catha edulis)
Growing information
Press the seeds gently into the moist soil and spray them with water. The seeds normally germinate within 7-14 days. When the seeds have germinated, move the seedlings to a nutrient-rich plot with moist soil in full sun. Plant the seeds on and near between 60 – 90 cm apart. This plant needs space.
Storage advice
Keep this product in a cool and dark place such as a kitchen cupboard and out of the reach of children.
Khat (Catha edulis) – seeds.
Users may experience stomach and intestinal discomfort. Khat can cause the heart rate and blood pressure to become too high. If people use often and a lot, they can develop heart problems. They can also become too warm. Qat can increase psychological complaints, such as gloominess, irritability and sleeping problems. The chance of addiction is small. Yet some people become addicted to khat.