1P-LSD Microdosing Kit


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1P-LSD also known as 1-Propionyl-Lyserguc Acid Diethylamide is a psychedelic substance that helps its users experience a much needed trip. To use this substance, it is best to microdose to avoid the highly deleterious effects such as hallucinations. The recommended microdose amount that will initiate a trip without causing a negative effect is about 5-10mL.

How To Use 1P-LSD

Add in the 1P-LSD tab into the distilled water microdose bottle. Shake the mixture well and store in a refrigerator for 24 hours to the time of its use. The temperature of the refrigerator should be regulated so that the mixture doesn’t freeze. Shake well before using it.

Benefits Of 1P-LSD Microdose

  1. It helps to treat depression and other anxiety conditions
  2. It boosts blood flow into the cerebrum thereby improving brain functions
  3. It helps to counteract sexually related problems such as improving the sex drive
  4. It has been said to boost creativity and cognitive functions
  5. It increases empathy
  6. It boosts self-confidence and improves self-esteem
  7. It potentially improves healthy human relationship

How To Microdose With 1P-LSD

Micro-dosing is an act of taking minute doses of psychedelic drug. A micro-dose level cannot cause significant difference from reality.

Propionyl-lysergic acid diethylamide (1P-LSD) is perhaps to some degree less powerful when compare with LSD. However, the above can not be an indicator to prove 1P-LSD’s power in humans, and to many people opinion shows that 1P-LSD and LSD have the same intuitive power.

Practically, it may be important you add little or more of 1P-LSD than LSD to experience exact effects. Thus, one of the users sharing is personal experience with Jim Fadiman, advises the dosage of 15 micro-grams for the start which is then opposed to 10 micro-grams. It may then be modified back and forth as desired to attain your own ‘sub-intuitive’ level.

Every square tab of available LSD or 1P-LSD usually contain 100-125 micrograms. The tab is processed into smaller quantities usually in powdery, pelleted forms, or in liquid suspensions.


At one stage in our lives as individuals we must have experienced a flow state. A cyclist pedalling through heavy wind with little effort, a doctor perfectly aligning with a patient, or a sales person carrying out their duty out of body experience. These are few scenarios of people carrying out their duty while in flow. In a simple term, flow is a really great experience of being human.

There are no specific proves to propose that microdoses of psychedelics can prompt flow states, but it is well known that mild doses can alter the function of the brain, in ways similar to the one witnessed in flow states. Research records that mild doses of psychedelics makes brain wave to drift more towards alpha oscillations, which is also witnessed in the evolution to a flow state. Psychedelics mimic the neurotransmitter serotonin when they enter the brain. It is a generally known fact serotonin is located in higher positions in flow states. The same way, psychedelics raises the level of dopamine in the brain, also a neurotransmitter found in higher positions in flow state.

Feasibly is the ability of psychedelics to suppress the DMN which can give room for the brain to make exclusive connections between fields who don’t regularly communicate. It is important for permitting flow state to take place. Considering the fact we know that mild doses of psychedelics can prompt similar effect to a flow state in the brain, it is probable that a regular microdosing plan will initiate the change of our knowledge in the direction of flow.



It is inevitably restrained, popularly most people uses micro-dose for two major reasons which are:

To lower recurrence and depth of unsatisfactory states caused by different forms of “mental illness”, including:

    • The use of the substance causes distress
    • It exposes us to social and general nervousness
    • It also causes ADD/ADHD
    • Mood swings sometimes are inevitable
    • It may lead to addiction
    • It may also cause PTSD To increase the recurrence and depth of satisfactory states
    • It enhance your creativity and talent
    • It enhance your agility and strength
    • It increase your level of productivity
    • It improves your relationship with others
    • It help to enhance your leadership skill
    • It help in the coordination of muscles

Unsatisfactory State:  
We must know that micro-dosing will help people who are finding it hard to cope with chronic anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, depression, mood disorders, etc to get balanced mentally.

RISKS: It is important to be privy of the local drug laws because it will be unsafe to use 1P-LSD without consulting the regulations. However, it is not federally regulated in some countries like the United States. It is illegal to possess, buy or sell 1P-LSD for human consumption under some country laws.

The United Kingdom laid restrictions on the use of 1P-LSD, under the Psychoactive Substances Act, although there were suggestions that it is possible the properties of the substance may not be psychoactive. But since the inception of the laws, no one has been apprehended for the possession, sales, or purchase of 1P-LSD. 

In continents like Europe, the drugs are illicit in some developing countries like Sweden and However, the drug is still been sold online in the Netherlands and Germany. And countries like Finland and Canada. It is important you know if the drug is allowed in your country because we never advise illegal use of drugs.

Due to the benefit of psychedelics, micro-dosing is not dangerous and is safe for consumption but due to the legal risk and general acceptability. It is proven that the use of LSD is one of the safest substances and even safer than alcohol.

Additional information


2 vials, 6 vials, 10 vials


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