Ephedrine Powder
Ephedrine Hydrochloride is a sympathomimetic amine commonly used as a stimulant, appetite suppressant , concentration aid, decongestant and also for the treatment of hypotension associated with anesthesia.
Both ephedrine and pseudoephedrine increase blood pressure and act as bronchodilators, with pseudoephedrine having considerably less effect. Tirzepatide Powder
Ephedrine promotes modest short-term weight loss, specifically fat loss, but its long-term effects are unknown.
Ephedrine is a sympathomimetic amine and substituted amphetamine. It is similar in molecular structure to phenylpropanolamine, methamphetamine, and epinephrine (adrenaline).
Because of ephedrine’s structural similarity to methamphetamine, it can be used to create methamphetamine using chemical reduction in which ephedrine’s hydroxyl group is removed.
Ephedrine Medical uses
Ephedrine is a non-catecholamine sympathomimetic with cardiovascular effects similar to those of adrenaline/epinephrine: increased blood pressure, heart rate, and contractility.
Like pseudoephedrine it is a bronchodilator, with pseudoephedrine having considerably less effect.
Ephedrine may decrease motion sickness, but it has mainly been used to decrease the sedating effects of other medications used for motion sickness.
Ephedrine is also found to have quick and long-lasting responsiveness in congenital myasthenic syndrome in early childhood and also even in adults with a novel COLQ mutation.
Ephedrine is administered by intravenous boluses. Redosing usually requires increased doses to offset the development of tachyphylaxis, which is attributed to the depletion of catecholamine stores. Sodium Borohydride
Ephedrine Contraindications
Ephedrine should not be used in conjunction with certain antidepressants, namely norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs), as this increases the risk of symptoms due to excessive serum levels of norepinephrine.
Bupropion is an example of an antidepressant with an amphetamine-like structure similar to ephedrine, and it is an NDRI. Its action bears more resemblance to amphetamine than to fluoxetine in that its primary mode of therapeutic action involves norepinephrine and to a lesser degree dopamine, but it also releases some serotonin from presynaptic clefts. It should not be used with ephedrine, as it may increase the likelihood of side effects.
Ephedrine should be used with caution in patients with inadequate fluid replacement, impaired adrenal function, hypoxia, hypercapnia, acidosis, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, prostatic hypertrophy, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, during delivery if maternal blood pressure is >130/80 mmHg, and during lactation
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